red flaky paint

How To Tackle Skin Issues Including Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Stressed Skin Or Rosacea

Changing weather and seasonal allergies can bring with them some serious skincare challenges. Common skin issues including psoriasis, eczema, acne or rosacea can be exacerbated by the changing season. If you’re dealing with problem skin, we’re here to help. Psoriasis can cause patches of dry, flaky skin, which can also involve sensitivity. This may impact on the rest of your skincare regime, as will acne or eczema, since you’ll need to choose products that do not make any skin issues worse. At Pure Skin Boutique, we understand the challenges of dealing with problem or stressed skin, so we’ve rounded up some of our best all-round hero products that are perfect if you’re dealing with problem skin or extra issues.

How To Reduce Skin Inflammation

Skincare Products For Skin Issues Including Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Stressed Skin Or Rosacea


This is the ultimate barrier repair product, as it acts as a barrier for the skin itself. Provitamins and biotin combine with a maximum amount of rich ceramides to help your skin create a seal of freshness which protects it from environmental damage and will also help guard against further irritation if you’re dealing with psoriasis, Eczema, Acne Or Rosacea.


SWISSCODE Bionic Recovering Complex

Products with anti-inflammatory benefits are key for the changing seasons or those dealing with psoriasis or other skin problems. The base cocktail of the products in the bionic range combines the highest levels of antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Summer Lilac provides powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits to leave skin feeling calm, soft and supple with a more even tone.


SWISSCODE Pure Hyaluron

A cult classic, this product contains the highest concentration of clinical grade hyaluronic acid, making it the best way to hydrate your skin from the outside-in to target dry skin. Proven results include increasing the skin’s moisture levels by 20% in less than two hours, enhancing Vitamin C absorption by three times and rebalancing the regulation of the skin’s immune system for a stronger, healthier complexion.


BYONIK HIGH ENERGY Calming pH Spray Face & Body

This spray will help to calm your skin and can be used on both face and body. It acidifies the skin surface and buffers the pH of the hydrolipid film, stabilises the acid protective coat. It gives the skin more resistance, counteracting any imbalance of the germ flora and will help to prevent the transition of the skin to an inflammatory stage and further issues such as psoriasis.

BYONIK High Energy ProMicrobiome Cream

The microbiome is our natural shield, it maintains the skin barrier, regulates the pH-value and protects the skin from stressors from the environment. This cream promotes the formation of hyaluronic acid in the skin which hydrates and smooths the microstructure of the skin, while helping to restore and protect the skin barrier.


BYONIK Supreme SICCA Control Fluid

The innovative product regulates the imbalance of combination skin that is prone to impurities, but dry at the same time. The formula stabilises the skin barrier and reduces water loss from the skin, aiding with hydration for stressed skin. Coordinated active ingredients regulate sebum production, fight the formation of impurities, and soothe redness, making it a great all-rounder for problem skin.


Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

Skincare All-Rounders